Friday, 24 March 2017

Tips on Setting out Foundations

Preparing your foundations for the pour is a very necessary step towards getting your work done right. You will need to set out your foundation to the right position or site according to the local authorities. Setting out engineer in U.K. will ensure that the first step is having the plans developed appropriately and having authorities approve them. You can use timber profiles, string lines and chalk spray to mark the centerline of foundations.

To ensure that your building is set on the exact location, use site boundaries, corners and diagonals to take measurements and double check them before you start to dig out to ensure that they match the plans that have been approved. While some dimensions might not be critical, the right time to resolve issues with discrepancy between plans and plot is right now. Make sure all dimensions are all right and accepted before you start digging.

You might be wondering what foundations you should go by: the average foundation is 1 meter below the ground. This is the best depth that does not allow frost to penetrate the ground. The load-bearing subsoil is also present at this depth. Again, if the construction is to be set up on clay soils, then seasonal shrinkage only occurs partially. Although the foundations formed on rock and stony soil are a bit shallower, they are not so shallow to be affected by frost. To get good flat bottoms at the right depth in trenches, one person can guide the digger driver when he is equipped with an audible alarm. After digging the levels, hammer pegs into the trench sides as it will help you mark the top of concrete. Use timber pegs rather than steel pins because the former are actually safer.

Understand that the sides of trenches can be prone to collapsing if the construction site is on made-up grounds or granular subsoil. Collapsing can happen during excavation and immediately afterwards. Setting out engineers in U.K. use plywood sheets supported by timber struts across the trench to shore up the sides of the trenches, in order to prevent collapsing. The alternative is to use metal sheet profiles and propos. Workers in and around the trenches need to be protected for safety. This also helps you to avoid re-digging the trench bottoms before you pour concrete.

Setting out engineers in U.K. also play an important role of ensuring that your site is accessible by machinery and equipment involved in the construction works. For instance, the ready-mix lorry should be able to access the site. However, you should check the possibility of using the pump to place the ready-mix if the lorry cannot access the site well enough or the truck's chute cannot be extended far enough.

You also need to book pumps at an early stage if they are few and pre-occupied with civil engineering works. Setting out engineers in U.K. can also advise that you transport concrete to the trench using a dumper truck. You can rake to level the concrete against the pegs after pouring. The dumper can slip and foundation could spoil if you collapse the sides of the trench.

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